Branch provides brands industry-first visibility into app events sourced from organic search and SEO campaigns

 Branch provides brands industry-first visibility into app events sourced from organic search and SEO campaigns

Branch, the leader in mobile linking and measurement, can now provide brands and agencies with insight into app engagement and events coming from organic search traffic with the release of SEO App Attribution. This first-of-its-kind solution alleviates many of the pain points associated with measuring SEO efforts.

SEO drives millions of dollars in value for brands, Being able to further prove SEO’s value and ROI in the context of mobile app engagement is critical. Unlocking the mobile app ecosystem for SEO is an important challenge, and we’re excited that Branch can help solve this by accurately measuring and attributing organic search to in-app activity.”
– Jason White, SEO Center of Excellence, PMG.

SEO App Attribution identifies app activities driven by most major search engines including Google, Yahoo!, and DuckDuckGo. The solution provides reliable attribution in a traditionally hard-to-measure channel. As a result, it protects against misattribution, wasted spending, and underinvestment in SEO. Brands and agencies can now better understand SEO channel performance. In turn, this allows them to make insightful strategic decisions with a more complete view across channels.

Mobile SEO has historically had many blind spots, specifically around the app, but a recent internal study showed that nearly a fifth of all owned and earned app events are originating from organic search, Our new solution gives unprecedented visibility into the flow of traffic from search into the app, shining a light in the dark. It will allow brands to optimize mobile search with accurate attribution on who ends up in the app and what actions they take, improving decision-making and giving marketers their due, all without needing additional developer resources or impacting search rankings.”
– Alex Austin, CEO, and Co-founder, of Branch.

This better understanding of the marketing impact of SEO allows brands and agencies to optimize omnichannel decision-making. In addition, brands and agencies can also target organic website visitors with smart banners to bridge the gap between SEO traffic and app conversions.

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