Tags : Digital Marketing

Hotwire Makes Digital Acquisitions In US & Asia Pacific

Enero Group has made two digital agency acquisitions in the US and the Asia Pacific, with both businesses joining technology firm Hotwire Group. San Francisco-based ROI DNA, a B2B digital marketing agency working with technology companies, extends Hotwire’s capabilities in North America, while GetIT, a marketing agency specializing Read More

Experts Weigh in on the Trends Shaping the Future of Digital Marketing

According to the leading digital marketing agency Melbourne-wide, Zib Digital, digital marketing is more important than ever, but as it is an ever-evolving landscape, businesses need to keep up and adapt their strategies to continue to reach their audience. An integrated approach across multiple touchpoints will enable a brand to Read More

Delightful or Dreadful: An Honest Conversation About Content

What makes some content shine while some just stinks? What is the secret formula to writing winning content? In the B2B and B2C content marketing world, you have to stay on top of best practices to create the best content. Attend “Delightful or Dreadful: An Honest Conversation About Read More

WPP to Acquire Marketing Technology Leader Bower House Digital

WPP today announces it has agreed to acquire the business of Bower House Digital, a leading marketing technology services agency in Australia. Bower House Digital will join Ogilvy’s global network, further strengthening its ability to deliver technology-driven marketing solutions for clients. Founded in 2017 by Bryan Dobson and Meg Quinn, Read More

5 Tips for Writing Better Cold Emails That Get Responses

Even in the age of social media, emails remain a formidable force. Cold emailing potential customers can boost sales, sign-up rates, and website conversions for your niche or small business. It needs more than just sending one straightforward or protracted email to prospective clients because not all cold emails are Read More

Society Pass launches universal, open-loop loyalty application targeted at the ‘Digital First’ Southeast Asia Region

Southeast Asia data-driven loyalty and e-commerce ecosystem Society Pass Incorporated (SoPa) announced on Monday the launch of the beta version of its universal, open-loop loyalty application, Society Pass, to earn and redeem loyalty points, Society Points, endeavoring to create permanent customer loyalty and replace cash discounting while generating additional revenues Read More

How Email Marketing Works for Small Businesses

Do you have a list of emails from customers or clients just sitting around? Have you thought about sending emails but don’t know where to start? If so, then this video is perfect for you. I’m going to go through some key best practices and tips to make Read More

How Automation Can Improve Your Marketing Results

Busy founders know that there are only a certain number of hours in the day to change the world with bold new ideas. What’s important is knowing that there are digital marketing tools available to help keep you on track. This session is for founders who can do it Read More