How To Use Email Newsletters To Drive Traffic & Get Business

 How To Use Email Newsletters To Drive Traffic & Get Business

Today we’ll discuss a topic on which some people will agree and others will disagree. Email newsletters, in our perspective, are making a comeback. It’s true, we said it. What was once old has become new again. It is, at least, for some types of firms that can produce engaging content via email marketing campaigns. The truth is that email newsletter that emphasizes sales, sales, and sales are no longer popular. But what about the email newsletters that emphasize value, value, and more value? They can turn potential customers into customers, adoring fans, and much more. I know you’re thinking, “Well, prove it to me,” when it comes to email marketing. While we have proof in the form of a few select clients for whom we compose email marketing newsletters, we always recommend that you test it with your target audience. Here are eight ways to provide value through your email newsletter that will be repaid many times over.


1. Avoid Overselling

At the end of the day, businesses want to sell their goods or services. In the past, this need for sales resulted in overselling, which resulted in burnt-out subscriber lists. The new strategy, on the other hand, prioritizes value and allows consumers to make their selections. Typically, all you need is a subtle sales pitch woven inside the high-quality material.

2. Repurpose Newsletter Content

There are numerous options for repurposing marketing content across various media. Consider the content you’ve already written for your website and how you might turn it into email material. You can add value to prospects who aren’t yet on your website and encourage them to visit for more information by doing so. Alternatively, you can turn your newsletter into a blog post. Make a Twitter thread out of the most interesting material, or use the newsletter content for a YouTube movie. This method assures that you boost your readership and generate more interest in your newsletter while also increasing the number of people who subscribe to your weekly or monthly email.

3. Feature Industry Thought Leaders

In practically every industry, thought leaders, experts, and influencers exist. And, because these people are willing to share their thoughts on topics of interest, including them in your email content might be beneficial. Try adopting their ideas as the basis for a newsletter, and then inform them that you did so. This strategy can help you network, and you might even obtain a shoutout on their blog or social media. You demonstrate that you are paying attention by including other experts in your field. Thought leaders can lend authority to your message while also assisting you in demonstrating your interest in certain topics.

4. Create an Online Version of a Newsletter

Unfortunately, the average email inbox has a large number of unopened messages. People today are hesitant to subscribe to a newsletter unless they are confident that it will provide them with value. As a result, making the newsletters available online demonstrates the value and encourages individuals to sign up.

5. Growing Your Email List

Getting people to join your email list isn’t as simple as “build it and they will come.” Getting email subscribers, like creating a website (which requires an ongoing SEO strategy), necessitates a well-thought-out strategy. And this strategy does not entail adding LinkedIn connections to your newsletter distribution list. That’s just bad manners, and it’ll get you flagged as spam.

  • On your website, make sure that people can easily see that you have a newsletter. Consider putting it in the header, footer, or sidebar of your site. In addition, make the archives accessible from your website. You could link to the Mailchimp archive on the signup page or in the footer.
  • Use social media and other places to promote your email newsletter after it publishes.
  • Make it easy for the subscribers that get your email newsletter to share it with their connections via email, social media, or otherwise.
  • Don’t assume that someone knows you publish an email newsletter. When you’re speaking with others, be sure to mention that you do have a newsletter.
  • If done correctly, free downloads that are available once someone opts in are a great way to grow an email list.
  • Partnering with others who also have email newsletters can be a good strategy for growing a list.
  • Offer those on your website a coupon if they opt-in. This is especially effective on eCommerce websites.

6. Measure the Results of Your Newsletter

This tip necessitates some setup, configuration, and effort. We want to track the results at Rocks Digital, whether we’re generating content for a website, a guide, or a Google Business Profile. We strongly recommend using Google Analytics to build up to goals and using UTM monitoring. You can’t tell what techniques are working or not working without these two items. We can inform the customer exactly how many conversions were completed on their website as a result of a specific content piece or email campaign if we execute this as an agency. Mailchimp, for example, gives some basic analytics such as openings and clicks in their dashboard. When combined with a UTM placed on a link within your email newsletter, you can obtain granular data such as:

  • 100 people clicked this link
  • 25 of them completed a goal like a form fill

Tracking is an important part of determining how readers respond to your emails. It’s feasible to track user behavior around your website by using UTM on links in your mailings. Do you want to know how many sales a link generated? UTM codes will provide you with this information. In practice, analytics data can aid in the creation of intriguing emails that provide value to your readers. Of course, none of this tracking will function unless you have objectives set up in Google Analytics for actions made on the page. We have a lot of clients who come to us with no goals on their website or with goals that aren’t tracking appropriately.

7. Test, Test, and Test Some More

Finding out what works best isn’t a one-and-done process, and neither is writing a good email newsletter. You should experiment with several forms to discover which ones get the greatest engagement. This is only one of the reasons why tracking is so crucial. For example, I can report that the links in the top message section of the newsletter receive far more hits and traction than the links in the bottom message section of the newsletter, which we publish regularly for one specific client. This indicates that the most critical information should be placed first. We also experiment with various message lengths. For this same client, it appears that the top message with more “how-to” content has a greater open rate than those without. However, in these, the number of webpage clicks is reduced. You may have to give up something else to acquire something like a greater open rate. This is another reason why tracking is critical.

8. Consistency Matters

Let’s have a look at the concept of consistency. People look for a newsletter that is sent out every week. People will wonder what happened to it if it does not arrive at the scheduled time. A weekly newsletter is ideal for one of our clients, but it may not be the best frequency for you. A weekly email is a significant commitment, especially since you’ll need to come up with a different approach and topic each week. We recommend starting with a monthly email, but you should also think about automating parts of the processes. If you produce blog entries, for example, new blog posts will be automatically emailed to subscribers who have signed in to receive them. The most important thing to remember here is to be consistent. If you only contact someone once a year, they will forget about the value your newsletter provides, much as they will forget about social networking.

Get More Leads With Email Newsletters and Content Marketing

You’ll never know if you like anything unless you try it, just like you won’t know if you like it unless you try it. This is the essence of email marketing. Now is the time to get out there and see if email marketing works for your company.

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