Tags : Digital Marketing

6 Tips for Creating Digital Content that Drives Lead Generation

Digital is the new normal. Now more than ever, people produce and consume vast amounts of digital content on a daily basis. The constant stream of content to users across the globe can make it overwhelming for both producers and consumers alike. Still, providing content via digital platforms is a Read More

4 Reasons Why Video Content is Important for your Business

Back in 2014, YouTube represented only 28 percent of all internet searches. Today, with more than 2 billion active users, it is one of the largest search engines and the second most popular social networking sites. This clearly shows how powerful videos have become over the years. There’s no doubt that for Read More

Critical Google Factors Affecting your Website Ranking

Google does enormous updates and changes its algorithm. Most of the time, many websites suffer very badly with frequent updates by Google and there is a high dip in ranking and loss in traffic. There are more than 200 ranking factors that decode Google ranking and the overall experience of your Read More

3 Big Changes Coming to Facebook in 2021

Ah, the good ole’ Facebook algorithm. It’s an enigma wrapped in a riddle, shrouded in perpetual change. If you’re like most businesses trying to maximize their social media marketing efforts, understanding how Facebook updates work can feel like an uphill battle. That’s why we’ve compiled a Read More

YouTube’s Child Video Rules will slam the Content Creators Financially

YouTube has released information about limiting data collection on children’s videos that can affect the content creators financially in a million ways. YouTube is, in short, becoming less child-friendly day by day. According to WSJ, YouTube will start to limit data from January 2020 and all those creators who are Read More

How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2021

How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2021 (You’re Not Going to Like It) | Everything’s changing in 2021. According to Comscore, half the searches in 2020 will be voice search. Facebook reach, continually going down. Instagram reach, LinkedIn reach, all starting to go down as well. Stories, everyone’s doing stories. Going Read More

Content Marketing Trends in 2020

The year 2020 is highly anticipated as a very exciting year for Content Marketing! Businesses, brands, agencies, and digital marketers are looking forward to Content Marketing trends in 2020 and find out how these trends can help their marketing efforts evolve into a whole new strategic level. There’s no doubt that Read More