Tags : themartech

The state of events: What is in store for 2021?

In-person B2B events are slated to return in 2021. And it’s forcing marketers to talk about the elephant in the room. Because events remain one of the most siloed and expensive of all marketing channels. But that’s about to change. Since marketing budgets are under the microscope now Read More

How to build a through-partner channel program that works for you

For B2B technology brands, getting the most out of your partner programs can be the difference between success and failure, especially in these times of global economic uncertainty. In this webinar, we will hear how Microsoft and Kingpin Communications have worked together to build and execute a successful scalable, Read More

What it takes for marketers to be great sales enablers

Marketers have a clear mission in 2020: to help salespeople adapt to a challenging new environment and maximise their sales. To do that, they need to be great sales enablers. So far so obvious, but whilst enabling sales has always theoretically been at the core of marketing’s remit, the practical Read More

Why now’s the time for Marketing Ops

Martech has never been more critical to successful B2B marketing. But at the same time, the proliferation of platforms, the speed of channel evolution and ever-rising buyer expectations, means this success has never been harder to orchestrate. That’s where marketing operations should step in. Read MoreRead More

How to adapt to and enable the future of sales

The B2B sales profession is reeling. Covid19 has fundamentally changed the nature of sales engagements, restricting face-to-face meetings or events for the foreseeable future, making hard-to-reach buyers harder to reach than ever. Meanwhile, more and more of the buyer journey for complex B2B products and services is being Read More