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5 Important Video Marketing Goals to Increase Revenue
The objectives of video marketing continue to occupy Martech users. It won’t do any good to just make a video and upload it to a major video platform. Modern video marketing objectives require careful thought and deft implementation if excellent outcomes are to be achieved. Additionally, it’s crucial to define these video marketing objectives.
To attract, engage, and convert online viewers, video marketing teams intend to boost their investments in video marketing technologies, according to the most recent HubSpot research. TikTok, Instagram Reels, and other video marketing platforms’ precipitous ascent have had a significant influence on how Martech users set their budgets. There are many goals of video marketing, but in the current scenario of hyper-gamification and instant engagements on social media, users look for something more from their favorite brands. HubSpot’s 2022 Video Marketing Report came out with an important analysis of the landscape and how marketers can generate more revenue from their video martech investments.
Here are the five most important video marketing goals of 2022 that marketers should focus on.
Goal 1: Identify the Video Formats and Their Length
Social media is king, but it doesn’t mean we should disregard the widely used video platforms like YouTube. YouTube videos are frequently used and repurposed by marketers for many types of campaigns, and it continues to be effective. But if Gen Z is your target market, it’s time to adjust your strategy.
There are five distinct video formats based on the length and form of products that work with young audiences. They are:
- Short form videos
- Long-form videos
- Live streamed videos
- Video graphics
- Webinars
Each video format has its flavor and depending on the context of content and nature of audience engagement, video marketing teams could use any of these for revenue generation. According to HubSpot, short-form videos published on YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reel and TikTok garner maximum engagement. Viewers are likely to engage with shorter videos with less than 60 seconds of run time. These videos are useful for lead generation and engagement.
However, marketers are beginning to explore other video formats too, and long-form videos, in particular, are likely to emerge as the top choice in 2022. 58% of the surveyed marketers consider the optimal length of a long-form video is under 10 minutes, of which 36% consider videos of less than 6 minutes as ideal for lead generation and engagement.
Surprisingly, in the same context, webinars garner low engagement and generate the least ROI. This is happening despite marketers (according to ON24) running up to 50 webinars in a year!
So, you are planning to build your video marketing goal sheet, focusing on long and short video formats that are likely to continue as the best ROI generators in 2022.
Goal 2: Picking your Video Marketing Channels
It doesn’t take wizardry to identify which channels are best for engaging audiences with video content. A large percentage of marketers are targeting social media channels to publish their video content in 2022. A similar percentage of marketers also think social media channels are most effective in lead generation and thus increase the ROI of video marketing goals. According to HubSpot, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube remain the top choices for succeeding with video marketing goals in 2022. Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat, and others, though used for video marketing, don’t quite cut the mark when it comes to generating a positive ROI for marketers. However, marketing teams should not forget activating plans for their websites and blogs with videos. Currently, only less than one-fifth of the marketers are using their blogs or websites to share marketing videos.
Goal 3: Email for Video Marketing
For reading your content frequently and continuing to “subscribe” to your resources, email subscribers deserve more. A significant benefit for keeping devoted subscribers is video content. And well-liked firms frequently communicate with their fans and followers through email-based video marketing. Incorporate video into your email campaigns in 2022 for everything from highlighting workplace culture to promoting events and showcasing amazing product features. According to HubSpot, “11 percent of video marketers aim to invest more in sharing videos through email than through any other channel this year, and 40% of them plan to distribute videos over email for the first time in 2022.”
Goal 4: Build a Mix: Organic B2B Content, “In the Moment”, BTS, and Influencer Content (Paid Content)
If you are testing the waters with marketing video campaigns on social media channels, having a mix of organic and sponsored content is a standard formula. 55% of the marketers use a subtle mix of organic and paid content as part of their video marketing campaigns. Only 21% of the marketers use “paid only” video content to promote their products and services in comparison to 24% who use “organic only” videos. 66% of the marketers who used video platforms to showcase their products/ services witnessed very high ROI from their video marketing campaigns.
When it comes to engaging more audiences, moment marketing becomes very important. In video marketing too, more than 50% of the marketers would showcase in their videos:
- Trendy content (55%)
- Behind the scenes (52%)
- Funny content (53%)
- Interactive content (52%)
- Educational content (51%)
- DEI and workplace culture (49%)
Now, it’s up to the video production team to find out what video styles would go viral first. Live actions and animated videos are more likely to have that viral fervor compared to serious, knowledge-centric videos.
Goal 5: Video Marketing Challenges
As with most marketing technologies, starting is the most challenging part. In video marketing, however, things are rather transient and very dynamic as far as challenges are concerned. For example, today, 57% of marketers adopt video marketing because it has become very easy to do and less time-consuming. In fact, with the availability of many DIY video marketing tools and resources, video marketing campaigns can be launched from homes! For those with budget constraints, challenges will continue to grow bigger. For example, production costs continue to swell and this keeps a majority of the match users away from launching their video marketing plan. Then, there are challenges to pre-production, post-production, talent promotion, video sharing and distribution, and so on. But, if you are in a competition where your rivals are spending between 10k and 100k on video marketing (and it’s rising), you can no longer stay away from the challenge. If you give yourself a few weeks and a solid budget to test your first video marketing plan in 2022, you could emerge as a winner in this industry– just like the 81% of the marketers who have a dedicated video marketing goal and marketing budget for 2022.