7 Ways To Promote Your Business With Video Content

 7 Ways To Promote Your Business With Video Content

Using video content to promote your business can be an excellent way to stand out from the crowd. Nearly 66% of consumers find videos helpful when making decisions, and over 65% find videos fun to watch. Videos are much more shareable on social media than other types of content, increasing your chances of getting your brand in front of more people. This means more followers and customers!

Here are seven ways how you can use video content to promote your business today:

Create a Company Introduction Video

Video content can be a great way to introduce your company and its services to customers who aren’t familiar with what you do. A promotional video, such as one highlighting your business’s specialties, can help a lot when it comes time for new customers to pick which service providers they want on their project teams.

Make sure your intro videos are professional, clear, and concise, most viewers won’t stay with a video that doesn’t hold their attention from start to finish. Be wary of videos that include too much-talking head footage it might feel more personal, but those kinds of videos often come across as amateurish.

If you need to put yourself in front of a camera, try to include some other elements such as images or graphics to keep things interesting visually. You can also take an approach similar to online news outlets by interviewing people in your industry about relevant topics.

Showcase Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials have been shown time and again to be effective marketing tools. They help prospects realize they are not alone in their struggles, giving them hope that they can succeed. Videos are an amazing way to showcase your customer reviews because it allows viewers to hear and see your brand message first-hand.

And once you get started, you might find that video testimonials are easier than ever: think of all those YouTube videos where people share their favorite products! You just need a webcam or smartphone camera to record customers sharing their experiences with your business.

Remember, though, that when you use these types of videos for business promotion, you should always ask permission before posting them online even if they were originally shared on social media. You never know who may end up seeing these videos and what impact they could have on your business reputation!

Feature Staff in Videos

A quick, high-impact way to integrate your staff into your marketing efforts is through video. This is a particularly effective tactic for getting across more personal messages about company culture and staff members that can help build audience engagement.

For example, you might feature an interview with a member of your executive team or some fun footage of your employees at work in their natural environment doing what they do best. These videos need not be of great production quality just make sure they are interesting enough to engage viewers.

If you want to get fancy, consider making videos for social media platforms like Instagram and youtube. These platforms allow users to upload short videos (15 seconds or less) that disappear after 24 hours and can be a great way to show off behind-the-scenes action at your business.

Post Educational Videos on YouTube

YouTube is a powerful resource for video content. You can create videos that educate customers and build trust with them. These videos will enable you to develop an authoritative voice in your industry and get people interested in working with you. If they like what they see, they’ll be more inclined to use your services because of your expertise and credibility.

If you have videos on YouTube already, it’s easy for customers to learn about new offerings by subscribing. If you don’t have any videos yet, now is a great time to start creating some!
Just make sure you are adding value to your viewers, otherwise, you might turn off potential customers.

A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself whether or not you would watch what you are making. If not, then why would anyone else? If you would, keep going!

Use Storytelling to Share Your Business Journey

According to a study from video marketing platform Wistia, 64% of viewers would rather watch a video about your business than read content about it. With that in mind, it is worth investing in producing high-quality videos for your business.

They are not easy and if you don’t have all day or any technical experience, you can outsource them at sites like Fiverr or Upwork but they will pay off. Why? Because storytelling is one of our most powerful ways to share information with others and connect with them on an emotional level.

So whether you want to share your business journey, educate potential customers on how your product works, or explain why something is important to you personally, telling stories through video content is one-way businesses can use video marketing as a tool for business promotion.

Create Explainer Videos

An explainer video sometimes referred to as a marketing explainer video or simply an explainer video is a short type of business marketing video used by companies to introduce new products and services.

Explainer videos are typically between 60 and 90 seconds long, which means they can be watched in a single sitting. This makes them ideal for attracting viewers who may not have time or inclination toward an extended viewing experience.

What’s more, these videos are highly shareable on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. With all that said, it’s important to note that there’s no one right way to create an explainer video the approach you take will depend on your business goals and target audience.

Host Q&A Sessions on Facebook Live or Periscope

Facebook Live and Periscope are two of the newest, most exciting ways to use video to connect with your audience. Q&A sessions on social media are particularly effective because they’re direct there’s no filtering or editing by someone else. They also let you engage directly with your followers in real-time, which makes them a great way to build relationships.

If you have an eCommerce business, hosting live videos where people can ask questions about products is a powerful tool for driving sales. And if you run an agency, taking advantage of these platforms to answer questions from potential clients can help establish yourself as an expert in your field.

If you haven’t already tried one of these platforms for business promotion purposes, give it a shot today!


It’s true: businesses have long used video for marketing purposes. But as we have analyzed above, things are changing and changing quickly. With YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and countless other social media platforms offering easy-to-use tools for creating high-quality video content on any budget (or no budget at all), there has never been a better time to take advantage of its promotional power!

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