Marketing automation is something that we experience all the time. When you book a flight and get an email thanking you for your booking and showing you other related travel services that you might be interested in, this is the job of a marketing automation tool and process. Marketing automation Read More
When it comes to sharing information on the web, very few other methods work better than social media, especially if you want something to go as viral as possible. This is why social media marketing is so important, so much so that there are even services that all you to Read More
As we’re rapidly approaching the end of the year, it’s a great time to look ahead at where we’re going and the marketing trends we’re likely to see more of in 2020. I’ve already touched on how we can expect marketing to evolve on a strategic Read More
We’ve officially entered a new decade, and if you haven’t begun thinking about new marketing strategies for your business, now is the time. Artificial intelligence (AI), lower internet costs and greater mobile use are all shaping the digital marketing landscape. Read MoreRead More
For most users, the first experience of artificial intelligence (AI) was through chatbots that responded to questions with preset responses. From Indian Railways’ saree-clad chatbot Disha, to Amazon and Flipkart’s shopping assistants, to Instagram’s algorithm-backed advertisements, dynamic pricing on Uber and Ola to restaurant recommendations on Zomato and Read More
Did you know that, on average, 51% of companies are currently using marketing automation, and more than half of B2B companies (58%) plan to adopt the technology? The statistic may be mind-boggling, but it is very much justified. Companies and marketers are always in search of ways that make things easy Read More
This week, we’ve been talking with Marketplace reporters about what we should expect in tech in 2020. Today, we’re taking a look at one major thing happening in 2020: the U.S. presidential election. It’s no secret that there was a boom in social media misinformation campaigns during the 2016 Read More
Articles throughout December explored advertising, promotion and labeling in addition to the role of social media in regulatory communications. Leading experts in the profession shared valuable insight on a wide range of issues impacting APL professionals today, including optimizing ad/promo regulatory affairs communications, Facebook chat study results and the Read More
We are about to embark on a new decade. During the next ten years, we will see marketing and public relations evolve. How we share messages and distribute content is going to change. Here I will share some sure-fire tips on how to start your 2020 marketing and public relations initiatives Read More
If you own a Xiaomi phone then, you might be familiar with the Mi Browser. Like every other OEM, Mi Browser is a custom browser meant for Xiaomi devices. Though it is a pretty slick internet browser however, the presence of unwanted ads and news feed makes this app an Read More