Sinuate Media Launches Marketing Platform to Reduce the Digital Divide for Small Businesses

Sinuate Media, a full-service marketing technology firm headquartered in Mesilla, New Mexico, announced today the launch of Approach Positive, an online platform that makes digital marketing accessible for small businesses. With the U.S. Census Bureau projecting 17 million new businesses to start in 2022, Approach Positive aims to reduce the strain business owners feel to keep up with digital marketing and compete against large brands who have marketing teams and big budgets to support their growth.
“Time and again, we hear from business owners who are overwhelmed by the digital learning curve and do not have the capacity necessary to build a solid digital footprint,” says Sinuate Media’s CEO and Founder Leah Messina. “In launching Approach Positive, our goal is to make it easy – and approachable – for businesses to affordably access marketing expertise, attract an online audience, and keep them coming back.”