Prosegur Security Introduces the World’s First EAS System with an Integrated Ad Platform

Prosegur Security, a global leader in security technology, has launched EVO, the world’s first EAS system with an integrated ad platform that can pay for itself through advertising revenue while also providing retailers with valuable data on in-store traffic. The EVO system features monitors that play retailer-approved ads at store entrances, managed remotely by Prosegur and its technology partner INEO.
“Silicon Valley and even major online retailers have created major revenue generation platforms through advertising. EAS is strategically placed in one of the most important locations inside the physical store where consumers can be influenced to buy more,” said Tony D’Onofrio, CEO of Prosegur’s global retail business unit. “It is time for EAS to evolve into a powerful AI cloud-supported advertising platform with increased security and operational features. The EVO system’s large monitors can play a welcome message, information on mask-wearing and social distancing, store’s current specials and more. Best of all, brands are willing to pay to have their ads appear on the screens too, offsetting or completely paying for the cost of the system itself.”