Tags : Marketing

Digital communities: Are they the future of B2B marketing?

Digital communities have come a long way since the days of LinkedIn Groups and Second Life. In fact, bolstered by a new wave of innovative tech solutions and ever more savvy and hard-to-reach buyers, in 2021, they look like an increasingly sophisticated means to enable customer intimacy and enable better and Read More

How to unlock the potential of hybrid events in B2B marketing

2021 looks set to be the year of hybrid events, but the term ‘hybrid event’ is ambiguous, encompassing a broad range of format, technologies and audience opportunities – so how do you create the right hybrid event structure for your B2B marketing needs? In this webinar we’ll be exploring the Read More

HOP TO IT: How to Grow and Scale with Marketing Automation

According to The State of Marketing Automation Report, only 55% of respondents are using marketing automation. And while virtually all agree that effective marketing automation is critical to long-term business success, less than 10% feel their business is using its platform to full capacity. Marketing automation allows you to deliver a flexible, Read More

How to succeed with customer success

Customer success is one of the fastest-growing functions within B2B marketing and sales. But what’s behind the explosion of interest in this emerging area? Why are B2B brands rushing to invest in this area, and what does it mean for the ongoing evolution of sales and marketing, Read More

Four key marketing skills to drive buying decisions

80% percent of the sales cycle now takes place in digital or remote settings, according to industry analysts. That means it’s now up to marketing to move buyers further down the funnel—up to and including the point of decision. But how can marketers, who have historically focused on brand Read More

Humanizing B2B – are you in?

There is a new truth in B2B marketing – customers don’t simply want to buy from you anymore, they want to buy into you. The secret to moving products is moving minds. This requires modern day marketers to understand the power of feelings over features and take a more Read More