Tags : themartech

Google Ads Introduces Bid Simulator Support for Smart Bidding

Google Ads is rolling out bid simulator support for the Target ROAS (return on ad spend) bid strategy, as well as a new budget simulator. This marks the first time bid simulator support has been available for a smart bidding campaign. Previously, bid simulators have only been available for campaigns Read More

Facebook releases low-latency online speech recognition framework

Facebook AI Research (FAIR) today said it’s open-sourcing wav2letter@anywhere, a deep learning-based inference framework that achieves fast performance for online automatic speech recognition in cloud or embedded edge environments. Wav2letter@anywhere is based on neural net-based language models wav2letter and wav2letter++, which upon its Read More

Google Ads Makes Parallel Tracking Mandatory for Video Campaigns

Google Ads is making parallel tracking available for video campaigns, which is optional for now but will soon become mandatory. Parallel tracking is designed to improve mobile site speed by bringing visitors directly to the landing page while measuring the ad click in the background. Read MoreRead More

How to Succeed in Personal Branding on Social Media

Social media is like a blank canvas for both personal and work life. Depending on how you use it, you can draw attention to your expertise and establish a solid reputation in your industry. There’s no doubt that there’s an important place for personal branding on social media. Read More

LinkedIn to Make It Big In The Upcoming 2 Years

LinkedIn is one of the leading professional social media platforms and has been becoming increasingly popular. The popularity is expected to grow and it is estimated that there will be 62.1 million LinkedIn users in the US, during 2020. The number is expected to grow even more in 2021, by 4.2% and reach 64.7 million. [&Read More

How to Track Offline Conversions in Microsoft Advertising

Learn how to set up offline conversion tracking in Microsoft Advertising to include data from outside sources you should factor in for your accounts. Importing data from outside sources, such as phone calls and CRM records, helps to complete the picture of revenue attributable beyond immediate website activity. Chances are, Read More