For years, marketers have relied on traditional performance marketing tactics to expand their customer base, grow market share, and increase revenue. This has been a pretty effective strategy over the last decade, and many brands (and the agencies they work with) have nailed these practices down to a science. Rapid Read More
Tags : Marketing Automation
Marketing automation isn’t a thing of the future it’s very much a part of the here and now for small and midsized businesses (SMBs) across the world. However, many are unaware of a variety of marketing automation tools that can help SMBs reach customers in a timely and Read More
Most marketing leaders know they need a modern CX tech stack to delight customers and grow their business. But building a functional and flexible CX tech stack that’s right for your business can feel like a daunting task. Read MoreRead More
Marketers have one essential job: reach the right buyer with the right message at the right time. If you think that sounds easy, think again. 63% of B2B buyers agree: Marketers are NOT connecting with them. Read MoreRead More
Validity’s 2021 report on the State of Email Marketing is your window into the world of email marketing today, during a time of rapid change and unpredictability. This report will give you insight into the performance of the ecosystem at large, providing opportunities to excel, be competitive, and optimize your Read More
How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2021 (You’re Not Going to Like It) | Everything’s changing in 2021. According to Comscore, half the searches in 2020 will be voice search. Facebook reach, continually going down. Instagram reach, LinkedIn reach, all starting to go down as well. Stories, everyone’s doing stories. Going Read More
The affiliate marketing industry has spent the last few months pivoting as our customers reacted to the new market conditions. At #ASW21 we’ll look at how the industry transformed in 2020. Hear from industry experts on the strategies that helped them weather the storm. And more importantly, how you can Read More
Picking up where we left off in the previous Modern Marketing blog, today we’re talking about two of the most common terms in a marketers vocabulary: lead generation and scale. In this blog we’ll dive into modern approaches for lead gen, the roles both sales and marketing play Read More
Today, without proper knowledge, one can struggle to differentiate marketing from advanced technology. Although, it did not start like this. Marketing as we know it was down to sellers trying to inform buyers what they have for sale. Nowadays, what, how, when, and where a buyer is going to make Read More
Today we’re going to talk about the best marketing automation tools for 2020, 2021, and beyond. We’re going to go into an in-depth presentation that was a live webinar and gave in front of a live audience. This is an edited version of it.Read More