Playground xyz’s New Actionable Attention Solution on YouTube Makes It Easy For Brands to PinPoint Efficiency Hurdles and Drive Attention In Real-Time

Attention measurement and optimization provider Playground xyz Attention Intelligence Platform (AIP) announced its actionable attention solution on YouTube, as well as unveiling new insights on how advertisers can garner the most attention for their YouTube ad campaigns.
“Optimization is the key to driving attention and campaign effectiveness. With actionable attention insights, brands are able to pinpoint factors that are detracting from campaign success and quickly understand how to coarse-correct,”
“Advertising is a huge opportunity on Youtube and we are excited to help brands learn more about their campaigns in order to drive attention and connection with audiences.”
Rob Hall, Playground xyz, CEO.
This launch follows successful tests with some of the top advertisers who have used automated reporting to uncover a variety of insights into campaign performance.
A few examples include:
- A large Sports Wagering brand saw the attention received by bumper ads drop by over 30% as the campaign elapsed, pointing to creative burnout.
- A leading Subscription Meals brand saw attention on their ads was 25% higher in the mornings than the evenings, yet impressions were being delivered mostly at night.
- And a leading Financial Services brand was able to calculate how much their Cost Per Attentive Completed View was across various formats and found one strategy to be 5x more effective for them.
“There is a lot to learn about attention within social environments and that starts with technology that can adapt to the unique consumer behaviors within each platform and help advertisers easily optimize each campaign to be where attention is highest. Our attention offering on YouTube is just the beginning of more exciting social capabilities to come,”
Rob Hall, Playground xyz, CEO.
Using this new solution, Playground xyz AIP looked at YouTube Impressions for Attention Time, an AIP metric that evaluates ads for the amount of time in seconds that an ad was actually viewed. The data revealed that YouTube bumper ads, although shorter, have shown that consumers watch 45% of ads, 20% more than skippable ads, and YouTube ads between 10 and 15 seconds have the highest attention span, about 23% more than other ad durations.
AIP is the world’s first technology stack designed to make attention possible. Trained and verified with real eye tracking data from the opt-in panel, it augments that data through advanced AI models to measure attention at scale. AIP’s YouTube Attention Measurement feature uses this capability and applies it to live YouTube campaigns, analyzing each individual DV360/CM360 recording to accurately score attention span throughout the campaign.